The Selfless Service Alliance is a collaborative effort composed of three renowned organizations congressional Medal of Honor Society, Patriot Military Family Foundation, and Purple Heart homes. This partnership was formed to help those they serve – America’s military, Veterans, and their families – and to aid other veteran and military nonprofits.
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society exists to sustain the bond of comradeship among Recipients by protecting and preserving the dignity of the Medal of Honor (MOH), inspiring our nations youth to be better citizens, and aiding Recipients’ families and fellow veterans.
Patriot military Family Foundation demonstrably enables armed forces family members to facilitate a quality of life commensurate with all Americans for whom these heroes and family members sacrificed their blood, sweat, tears, and many cases “gave their all!”
Purple Heart Holmes is a North Carolina-based 501 (c)3 providing Veterans with safe, sustainable, barrier-free homes. They provide personalized housing solutions through innovative programs that meet multiple types of needs across all generations of Veterans.